Apache Response Header Setting


this is more a apache web server question, but evt. some people have been confrontated with this problem,
because you have to operate the knime-server behind a Web-Server.

I have analyzed the Knime Analytic Platform Url with google chrome :
https://server.de/knime_cloud_prod/rest/v4/auth/session for example.
Just interrupt the logon mask and do right click analyse .
Go to the Network tab and press Ctrl+R
Then login to the knime-server giving the right credentials.
Then click on Name:session and notify Response Header :Location
On one Server it starts with http (where KnimeAP does not work) and on the other it starts with https (where KnimeAP works)

Both analyzed Servers have a status code : 307 Temporary redirect (in the general section they are not different)
In this case Java responses errors which are missleading (in my opinion).
After enabling a firewall rule for port 80 KnimeAP was able to connect still having a connection url like:
The underlying connection is not encrypted while the setting pretends to be a encrypted connection.

Which setting in the Apache configuration will return a response header starting with https?

Browser-Url (Webserver for Knime-Test:) : https://CloudWebServer.de/knime_cloud/rest/v4/auth/session
Info:KnimeAP:2024-09-27 12:37:43,962 : DEBUG : main : : ExplorerServerContentProvider : : : Login to ‘knime-test-server’ failed: HTTP 307 Temporary Redirect
Response Headers

Browser-Url (Webserver for Knime-Production) : https://OldWebServer.de/knime_cloud_prod/rest/v4/auth/session
Info:KnimeAP is working with the current config
Response Headers

Greetings B.Kochs

after diving into the net I finally found the working solution:
Simply put this line into the ssl.conf: section: :
Header edit Location ^http://(.*)$ https://$1


Greetings B.Kochs

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