Apache Spark issues

I am getting the following error when I try to run a decision tree model on my data in KNIME using Apache Spark, Spark Decision Tree Learner (MLlib):
ERROR Spark Decision Tree Learner (MLlib) 4:5 Execute failed: C:\Users\18573\AppData\Local\Temp\knime_localspark_33806476198357665\spark_local_dir\blockmgr-c6a66256-503c-464d-ae04-bdcd8c285da1\29\shuffle_4_21_0.data.b7082344-a536-4103-8975-fb7cba98e133 (The system cannot find the path specified) (FileNotFoundException)
I do not understand why it is referring to my C drive when my workflow is being executed in the D drive also I have set the reference of the local big data environment to the current working directory. Please help me understand.

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