Approximate match

Good day to all!
I have one criteria table. (bulk discount table)

Bulk Units Category Price
- 0 up to 5 25
5 5 up to 10 23
10 10 up to 50 20
50 50 up to 100 15
100 100 or more 12

I want to find the price for 19 units.

In excel, I used vlookup formula.
=vlookup(lookup_value, table array, col_index, TRUE)

In KNIME, which nodes can I use?

Best Regards,

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@Charm_Myae, you can split your Category columns to two like min_value, max_value then
use Rule-based Row Filter



Thank you very much.
I will try this.


Sorry for my incomplete question.

I want to also join the criteria table and transaction table. (two excel files)

Criteria Table

Bulk Units Category Price
0 0 up to 5 25
5 5 up to 10 23
10 10 up to 50 20
50 50 up to 100 15
100 100 or more 12

Transaction table

Unit Price
2 ???
7 ???
15 ???
55 ???
105 ???
188 ???
67 ???
20 ???
8 ???
1 ???

I want to find in price column.
Above Rule-based Row Filter idea is OK for me.

How can I join two tables.


Hi @Charm_Myae
I think the Rule Engine (Dictionary) is the way to go, see approximat_match.knwf (50.7 KB)
Screenshot from 2020-11-22 19-18-39 .
gr, Hans


Hi @HansS,

Thank you very much.

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Hi @HansS,

I am OK with your solution.



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