while working on this
Unfortunately both nodes do not write a human readable format nor could they be leveraged to extract the meta information from each column type.
[BildschirmÂfoto 2023-01-08 um 12.01.26]
The ARFF Writer does (yet) not support paths (to point to storage location, column type untested) and the column type Collection. However, it looks more promising as it’s kind of human readable
[BildschirmÂfoto 2023-01-08 um 12.09.06]
Unfortunately, the writer node seems to miss proper quote treatment causi…
I seem to have recognized an issue, presumably about quote treatment, with
ERROR ARFF Reader 5:1726 Configure failed (TokenizerException): New line in quoted string (or closing quote missing). In line 9.
January 13, 2023, 8:14pm
Hi @mwiegand -
I created a new ticket for this in our system (AP-20020). Thanks for for reporting, and especially for providing a workflow that reliably reproduces the issue
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April 13, 2023, 8:14pm
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