I have a really strange problem. When I want to save/import my knime workflow it ends up not saved like it usually should in knar or knwf files, but instead there’s a folder with the name of the workflow and inside it there are other folders will names of all the nodes. I have no idea how to change it, until a few days ago everything was fine and now suddenly this happened. When I go to the Export knime workflow window everything looks fine and it says that the file will be saved in the knar/knwf format but when I want to check it it is not there, just the bunch of folders! Does anyone have any idea how can I fix this?
That’s interesting. I’m speculating, but it almost sounds like KNIME is trying to write the workflow file structure, but then is unable to compress it into an archive. (After all, that’s really what KNWF files are - zipped archives of the workflow files.)
Again, I’m speculating, but perhaps there is a file system permissions problem? Does the KNIME log throw any errors or warnings? What version of KNIME are you using, and on what OS?
I have exactly the same problem. This was happened after updating (installing) knime 3.7. I removed it and re-installed 3.6, but this didn’t solve this issue…
OS is mac os 10.13. Did you solve this problem? Please any suggestions? I can’t open or import my workflows …
Hi @ls_ahl,
can you please give us a little more details on this issue. The original post deals with problems exporting KNIME workflows, not importing / opening them. You seem to have trouble importing workflows, can you give us detailed error message and maybe share your knime.log with us?
Hi @gab1one,
thank you for your reply. There is no error/warnung messages. There are several points to mention:
I cannot explore the local workspace (there is no triangle to click on). That is, any new created items (folder, worflowgroup …) are not shown in the project “tree”.
new created workflows work as expected, but they are saved as folders in the workspace. I tried to hard coded the format .knwf, but still the same. As a consequence, wenn I change the workspace and want to import a workflow from the original workspace, or close the workflow from the window, I cannot open it again.
I made a screen shot from my workspace:
Workflows are always saved as folders in the workspace, they are only compressed into a knwf workflows file when you explicitly export them.
To import a workflow from a directory you need to use the root directory option in the import wizard and point it to the root folder:
Hi @gab1one
Thank you for your suggestion and sorry for my late response. I had to switch to another OS (Linux) to get KNIME running “normaly”. And I had to create all the workflows manually … I couldn’t export them!
This issue remains on Mac, reinstalling (knime) didn’t help either. Note: All other programs are running as expected on Mac.