Authentification Token Has Expired. The user must authentificate again


For some time I’ve been using the snowflake database.

The problem is that the next day when I want to connect to this database again, the error “Authentification token has expired.” The user must authenticate again.

So I have to close and reopen Knime in order to use the database again.

How can I solve this issue?

Hi @razvancomanici,

this seems to be a feature of the snowflake. There are several discussions that can be googled, but as an example see Basically, if the connection is idle for 4 hours the token is not renewed


I stumbled across a syntax to add to the Database URL in the DB Connector node.
Basically you add “&CLIENT_SESSION_KEEP_ALIVE=true” to the end of the URL. Link here: KNIME ❤️ Snowflake. The competition in the cloud… | by Craig Cullum | Medium

This has seemed to work for me with Snowflake!