Auto-SARIMA and Python Trouble

I tried to run the same workflow but the auto-sarima node failed. I have looked in to console and this seems to be the cause. Any solution to this? thank you so much.

ERROR Python Predictor 3:880:0:84:0:332 Execute failed: Could not start Python. There are problems with your Python environment:
Could not start Python executable at the given location (no_conda_environment_selected\python.exe): Cannot run program “no_conda_environment_selected\python.exe”: CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified
ERROR Python Predictor 3:880:0:84:0:331 Execute failed: Could not start Python. There are problems with your Python environment:
Could not start Python executable at the given location (no_conda_environment_selected\python.exe): Cannot run program “no_conda_environment_selected\python.exe”: CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified

@davidlan I would suggest you check your python installation again and if knime is set up to work with python.

If this is not successful you might want to provide us with a Python code sample in a workflow where this problem occurs and a logfile in debug modus:


thanks I will try it out

Worked. Thanks so much.


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