Azure OpenAI Authenticator API version invalid

Hello Knimers,
just startet working with Azure OpenAI stuff and getting the response from Authenticator node that API version provided is invalid. I am using the version 2024-06-01. API Key should work.
I am clueless on that is the issue and also the API version should work.
Somebody got an idea?

Thank you

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Hi Sebastian and future readers :slight_smile:

We have identified a case where this error message comes up (incorrectly) when the URL is not what we expect. A case is open with development (internal ID AP-23404).

The Key and URL we need are found at your Azure OpenAI Resource on the Azure Portal:
From the “Keys and endpoint” tab of your respective Azure Resource which hosts the model. This is used for authentication with your Azure Resource. In a second step when connecting to a specific model, you need to give the name of the model:

(On the model page of the “Azure OpenAI Studio”, one can also see an “Endpoint Target URI” - DO NOT use this one, but the one from the “Keys and endpoint” tab of your Azure Resource.)

We’re sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Kind regards


Hi @marvin.kickuth,

I discovered the same Problem. But i still have the issue that the knime says that the API Version is Invalid.
I checked my endpoint, the apikey and the api Version. It works when I Access directly via the command line/python.

Do you have any ideas what i can do?

Thanks in advance