Best way to share .jar files between nodes?

Hi all,

I was wondering what the best way to share .jar files between multiple nodes (plugins) is - eclipse recommend creating an eclipse plugin which wraps the .jars as described on:

but this doesnt seem to work within the eclipse knime SDK (couldn’t get the node extensions to “see” the wrapped jars). I’m trying to get two nodes to use the jar’s (and supporting jars) and dont want to replicate the ~4MB of code for each node.

So I tried to use a dependency between plugins, but that doesnt work for me either. I’ve tried to export the package names for biojava, but without success.

Any ideas?

thanks in advance,


Have you added a dependency on the plugin that contributes the jar file? This needs to be done in the “Dependencies” tab in the editor of either the plugin.xml or MANIFEST.MF file (same editor for both files).

Hope that helps,