I am trying to import some bing searches into KNIME unsuccessfully. I am not a developer and probably there is something wrong on my coding. The curl of the app is:
Hi @Charlie20,
What you are doing looks correct. What is the error you are getting back? Interesting would be to know the status code and when the body column has a missing value (red question mark), you can hover your mouse over the question mark and it may show a tooltip with some error details.
Kind regards,
Many thanx for your help. I get the 401 but can’t read any message.
However, I tried running the curl on the windows command prompt and got what follows:
C:\Users\xxxxxxxx>curl -H “Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key:xxxxx” https://api.bing.microsoft.com/v7.0/search?q=microsoft+devices
{“error”:{“code”:“401”,“message”: “The Search Operation under Web Search API - v7 is not supported with the current subscription key and pricing tier Bing.CustomSearch.F0.”}}
Yes, this seems to be a problem with Bing. The HTTP status code 401 stands for “Unauthorized”. This can either mean that the subscription key is not sent properly, or that it is not valid. Judging by the message you posted, it seems to be the latter.
Kind regards,
Hi Denis,
Thanks for this solution. What should be kept in mind when going this route is that you might run into rate limiting if you make too many requests in rapid succession.
Another tipp: you can use this component from KNIME Hub to turn the HTML into XML so the XPath node can be used to extract information more cleanly.
Kind regards,