Hi Yas,
So I am able to create a report using BIRT and I would like to email
the created PDF automatically if possible.
I saw the “send email” but can seem to find a way to attach the created
thanks much
Hi Yas,
So I am able to create a report using BIRT and I would like to email
the created PDF automatically if possible.
I saw the “send email” but can seem to find a way to attach the created
thanks much
Basically I just pass the file path location of the pdf into the attachment field as a flow variable. Or you can manually select an attachment via browse on the second tab of the “Send Email” node if it is a single email and always has the same file name.
Are you generating / distributing a single report or multiple pdf reports via a parent “call” to a child workflow?
Hi Ya,
So I have a workflow that connects to a “Data to Report” node. I created my report
using BIRT by clicking on the BIRT report icon and then select view report as
PDF and I get a report that opens up. Trying to figure out how to get that
report saved to a folder and emailed out automatically.
I have the workflow on a knime server.
thanks much!
I know that saving a report direct to PDF is a feature with KNIME server, however I don’t have experience with KNIME Server enough to help with setup. (I added “KNIME Server” to your post title for you to help attract Server users.)
I use the Parent / Child method to generate BIRT reports and save them as PDFs on KNIME AP.
Hi @Gimli,
do you want to send the report after a user runs the workflow on the KNIME Server, or should it be a scheduled job?
In the first case, I don’t think you need any extra nodes. On the web interface, there is a checkbox at the bottom of the page for “notify me when workflow has run”. There you can add an email address and chose pdf to send the report.
If you need the second case, I fear I don’t have experience with it so far.
Hi Ya,
Its a scheduled job…just figured out that you can configure
that to save report to folder and it will email to the email
list configured in the scheduler.
thanks much!
Hi Yas,
Following up…so I am now saving a report on the Knime Server. Wondering if
anyone knows how to save the report to a file location not on the knime server.
Under the tab Report Action, when I select destination, only folders on the knime
server are accessible.
Would like to automatically save that report to another server if possible.
thanks alot
That is not possible. We can only save directly on the server.
Couldn’t files be saved to a Dropbox location or another cloud based fileshare solution?
Thanks for the reply
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