Buckminster qualifier replacement

Hi All,

I know we have ‘qualifier.replacement.*=generator:buildTimestamp’ which can be added in buckminster.properties file to replace the ‘qualifier’ variable in manifest file’s osgi version (like 1.0.0.qualifier) during the build.

But, do we have some way to replace/update the first part (1.0.0) also during a build?


Hi @ravikiran,
if I understand you correctly, you want to increase the version number, but only at build time? Is there a specific reason for that? I don’t think Buckminster has a build-in utility to increase the version number, but you can do that easily using a shell script that updates the Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier section in the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF files in your project.
You shouldn’t do that during build time though, but instead as a separate step which you then commit to source control, then build the extension.



Hi Gabriel,

You shouldn’t do that during build time though, but instead as a separate step which you then commit to
source control, then build the extension.

Thanks for your answer. Yes, this is how its happening now. Actually, with some recent changes in our build system, the ‘micro’ part of the version is changing everyday to match the daily build number. So everyday, these manifest files are getting updated and the changes are pushed to repository(of course this is automatic). But I dint like the manifest files getting updated everyday and a change is pushed to repo everyday.

Thats the reason I posted this query. Anyway thanks again for your clarification.

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@gab1one’s answer will update the version number for plugins. If you have features around your plugins, then you will need to update the version in the feature.xml file too (It is the same string, so you can use Eclipse file search for 1.0.0.qualifier with the file pattern feature.xml,MANIFEST.MF and instead of clicking ‘Find’, click Replace.

There is also somewhere an option to let feature versions be determined to match their plugin versions I think, but I’ve never used that.


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Thank you Steve for pointing that out :+1:

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