Bug in v5.1.1 when upgrading to macOS Sonoma?

I just upgraded to the latest macOS and started KNIME v5.1.1 and noticed that the title bar showed something strange:

Instead of KNIME it said NewApplication !

Will this go away or is it a genuine bug?

I have the same issue plus this one when i select my workspace

sometime Knime Explorer dissapears and i have to reopen it

(KAP 5.1.1 on M1 pro and OSX Sonoma )

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And I was just going to report this as well!

Truly weird, first right way then mirrored!

V5.1.1 on MacBook Pro (Intel) and macOS Sonoma, freshly installed.

Just to update you guys: it also happens with KNIME v4.7.7.

(both the mirror splash screen and NewApplication instead of KNIME in the title bar).

It seems harmless, but you never know :thinking:


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yes I am also seeing this :slight_smile: at least with the current 5.2 nightly build

Hello, we’re aware and working on this problem.

The underlying Eclipse software introduced these problems into KNIME on MacOS Sonoma.


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