Bug Notification (affects Linux users of some extensions in KNIME Analytics Platform 5.1.0)

Dear Linux users of RDKit, Vernalis, Erlwood or XBoost on KNIME Analytics Platform 5.1.0,

The following notification is only relevant to Linux users on KNIME Analytics Platform 5.1.0. Windows and MacOS users are not affected. Linux users using other versions than KNIME Analytics Platform 5.1.0 are not affected.

An issue with the CEF browser causes KNIME Analytics Platform 5.1.0 in combination with the following extensions to crash upon startup. The known affected extensions are:

  • RDKit
  • Vernalis
  • Erlwood

To circumvent the issue, we limited their functionality in KNIME Analytics Platform 5.1.0 today:
You can still install these extensions on Linux. However, the RDKit nodes will not be available and neither will Vernalis or Erlwood nodes using CEF.

The XGBoost extension itself will not cause a crash but “only” throw an error.

We are very sorry for any inconvenience this causes. A fix is already in place in the nightly version. We will let you know when we release 5.1.1, which will contain the fix.

Let me know if you encounter further issues.


rdkit vernalis erlwood


Does this bug affect only Linux users that use KNIME AP interactively or also KNIME Server running on Linux?

Hi @spider,

it affects all Linux executors, whether as KNIME AP or in KNIME Servers or in KNIME Business Hubs. The question was good: I did not write that explicitly.

I will let you know when 5.1.1 containing the fix will come out.

Best regards


Dear Linux users,

we enabled the extensions again, as we updated KNIME Analytics Platform to 5.1.1, which contains the fix for the CEF browser issue.

I am very sorry for the long wait and the huge inconvenience


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