[Bug] XPath Node throws "Blob file does not exist"


back from a long sickness period I today stumbled across this rather elusive issue:

ERROR XPath 3:1126:0:972:0:1320 Execute failed: Blob file location "C:\Program Files\knime_5.2.0\col_32\000\000" does not exist

It was reproducible but after dis- and reconnecting the component, it resolved itself. Hence, I have nothing else to share.


I just ran into this as well:

Presuming its benign?

@qdmt can you check, as I missed doing it back then, the Windows Defender logs? Search for “Defender” then select “Protection history”.

I faced it again right after waking up my PC from sleep mode (uncertain which sleep state S1, S2, S3 or S4 it was in).

Thread Dump
240814 Blob file does not exist - Post 77070 threaddump-1723634674548.tdump.txt (90.1 KB)

It appeared on both nodes when I attempted to regenerate the temp data, though.

2024-08-14 13:21:16,494	ERROR XPath                3:1577:0:1671 Execute failed: Blob file location "C:\Program Files\knime_5.3.0\col_29\000\000" does not exist
2024-08-14 13:21:30,367	ERROR Row Splitter (deprecated) 3:1577:0:1670 Execute failed: Blob file location "C:\Program Files\knime_5.3.0\col_29\000\000" does not exist



I found an old ticket fitting the description (AP-11062) and attached this topic to it.
Unfortunately, the ticket is still open and it seems we are unsure what exactly removes the blob file temp directory. The path that gets printed is just a concatenation of the program path (path to installation dir) and the relative path of the blob file.

I cannot spot anything interesting in the thread dump, unfortunately. It is also mostly useful to identify issues if something is deadlocked or appears to be stuck. In cases like this, the knime.log or hints to reproduce are more helpful. But I guess this does occur so rarely, that it is hard to reproduce.


At your service … here is the knime log :wink: I got everything from the first log line containing “blob” and about 30 minutes preceding that.

240814 Blob file does not exist - Knime Log - Forum Post 77070.txt (434.0 KB)

The issue appeared again but this time with the save routine as well.


I tried resetting and regenerating the data a few times but to no avail:

Log excerpt

2024-12-19 20:34:14,220	ERROR String Splitter (Regex) 3:1577:0:1945 Error sorting table: Blob file location "C:\Program Files\knime_5.3.0\col_28\000\000" does not exist
2024-12-19 20:34:21,017	ERROR String Splitter (Regex) 3:1577:0:1945 Error sorting table: Blob file location "C:\Program Files\knime_5.3.0\col_28\000\000" does not exist
2024-12-19 20:34:29,092	WARN  String Splitter (Regex) 3:1577:0:1945 Some input string(s) were missing or did not match the pattern.
2024-12-19 20:34:34,923	ERROR String Splitter (Regex) 3:1577:0:1945 Error sorting table: Blob file location "C:\Program Files\knime_5.3.0\col_28\000\000" does not exist
2024-12-19 20:35:08,143	ERROR DefaultNodeService              Invalid node settings: Invalid Pattern: gad_source=(?<gad_source>[^\&]+): named capturing group is missing trailing '>' near index 17
2024-12-19 20:35:17,666	WARN  String Splitter (Regex) 3:1577:0:1946 Some input string(s) were missing or did not match the pattern.
2024-12-19 20:35:22,866	ERROR String Splitter (Regex) 3:1577:0:1946 Error sorting table: Blob file location "C:\Program Files\knime_5.3.0\col_28\000\000" does not exist
2024-12-19 20:35:30,821	WARN  String Splitter (Regex) 3:1577:0:1945 Some input string(s) were missing or did not match the pattern.
2024-12-19 20:35:30,848	WARN  String Splitter (Regex) 3:1577:0:1946 Some input string(s) were missing or did not match the pattern.
2024-12-19 20:35:41,461	ERROR String Splitter (Regex) 3:1577:0:1946 Error sorting table: Blob file location "C:\Program Files\knime_5.3.0\col_28\000\000" does not exist
2024-12-19 20:36:10,875	ERROR InplaceSaveRunnable             Could not save workflow - this exception will be re-thrown as an InterruptedException.
2024-12-19 20:36:10,885	ERROR WorkflowEditor                  Could not save workflow: Could not save workflow: Error while writing to buffer: Blob file location "C:\Program Files\knime_5.3.0\col_28\000\000" does not exist

Complete recent knime log:

knime.log.txt (74.0 KB)

Intriguingly, the String Splitter nodes still execute but unusually fast. The Value Lookup takes much longer as it’s a rather complex data set.
