Calculate Monthly Data Changes by Date Pulled

I am using Knime to track monthly data updates to air travel. Every month, I pull a new file that includes air travel from January - Current Month. The air travel is separated into categories by distance (Long Haul, Medium Haul, Short Haul).

I would like to compare the latest file data to the last file data and track changes. For example, I would like to calculate the difference from January Long Haul pulled 12/10/2024 to January Long Haul pulled 11/10/2024. How can I do that?

I included an example showing how I would like the column to present itself (I am also hoping for a percentage change).

Welcome to the Forum @erinmcdermott
You’re more likely to get help if you upload the data. The saves potential helpers from having to retype it.


Apologies! Here is the Excel file.

Air Travel Knime Forum Example.xlsx (12.7 KB)

Try this. Its not the exact format you want (which I think is nearly impossible), but I think it has the output you want.

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I think “rank” is a good way to get this working:

I uploaded this workflow to my KNIME Hub instance: