Calculation of Mean Values per set

Hi to all,

I just want to ask if you have easier or shorter way making the workflow for this kind of calculation. I need to repeatedly calculate the value of a specific tag with a column with specific tags of other columns.

Any comment is much appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Hi there @Gambit,

Welcome to KNIME Community Forum!

What is your exact data structure in KNIME? If I got you right I would use Column Aggregator node with mean method. Before that you can use Cross Joiner node to get each set combination.

Hope it helps.


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Hi @ipazin ,

Thank you for your response. The data structure on my Knime is like the sample I showed. Can you give me an example of your workflow for this?

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

Hi there,

but that is not KNIME structure. It is Excel or something similar…

Anyways I had something like this on my mind assuming you have 3 tables inside KNIME.


Here is workflow on KNIME Hub:


Hi @ipazin,

Thank you very much for your help. It’s working :blush:

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Hi there,

glad to hear that.


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