call internal Workflow give error

Hi guys…

I work with knime workflows and I saw that the node called “Call Local Workflow” is deprecated… An update happened, but now this node don’t work with the earlier version.

test.knwf (15.1 KB)


Knime give me this error inside the node and other from outside:


I tried all types of location and the red message still appears… tried to set flow variables to complete the advanced settings too, tried create a table row with some data and convert to json … so, I don’t know to where to run now…

What can I do to solve it? each “call workflow local” node have a huge process that worked before the update, and still work because I’ve it

What I’m doing wrong? Or What can change to correct it at all?

Thanks all,


Some one can help? It wasn’t work with the updated node in local flow.

Hi @denisfi ,

I haven’t looked into the details, but a quick test would be to add a file system connector (via the three dots) and connect e.g. a Mountpoint Connector set to the current mountpoint:

Does that already help?

Kind regards

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Hi Marvin,

Thanks for your answer, but knime wait a index information and don’t let me go on…

call_workflow.knar (17.6 KB)

I create a basic example. The mountpoint connector node or file connector node will call another workflow.

I set the mountpoint and try to use it at the call workflow node, but the error is the same.

The other flow called “Knime_project_text” have a date&time value and after that, will write a CSV file. This workflow works very fine and it’s attached as example.

The error as you can see below in red, is:

“Error: Could not index workflows: Unknow reason (org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingException)”

I don’t understand why and how to solve it… maybe an update for a knime or something like it bring me problems now… The old one works very fine.

Thanks for your help… anything else?


Hi Denis,

Thanks for supplying examples! :slight_smile:
This is quite odd – the configuration looks fine and also works on my system. I’m wondering whether the latest update didn’t install smoothly, or maybe the workflow repository has a corrupt file (causing the error seen).

Would you be able to test the same workflow group in a fresh KNIME installation and a fresh workspace?

Kind regards


Hi Marvin,

Thanks again to help me… yeap, it’s look like fine too, but the error message don’t make sense…

To try a fresh instal, my concern is lost the automation that I have today… I work as local mode only, and if the fresh install makes my workflow just stop to work will be bad…

Well, I’ll try at weekend, today I’ve some flows to run until tomorrow…

I’ll return if the result soon…

Thanks again @marvin.kickuth !



Hi Marvin,

Good news… making a fresh knime install, the error didn’t appears again… it’s strange, but it’s a gift to bring to you and knime team this situation for others guys…

Just a print about it

No error message and the workflow works fine too…

Thanks for your support!


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