Hi there,
I wonder if the XLS formatter is able to write an Excel table (I think Microsoft calls it a data table)?
Or would you recommend to mimic the behavior (especially the filters) as far as possible through the Continental nodes and then leave the “naming part” (so to say) in Excel?
Thanks in advance.
@kowisoft I think right now you would need something like Python openpyxl to do advanced manipulations like drop-down-menues (besides formats) in Excel. Since 4.5 you can write data to specific cells .
For the ‘named’ tables I have created two examples for in and out recently:
@Experteece actually you can use Python and openpyxl with KNIME to do that. Identify named tables and import them (cf. this thread ).
You van extract the tables directly or read all the ranges from your ‘named’ table (areas) and then use KNIME to import them.
Awesome, really like the idea, that since 4.5 the application can write to a preformatted table.
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December 22, 2021, 9:19am
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