Cannot deinstall or reinstall Extensions Unable to read - PKIX path building failed:

Hello All,

I´m quite new in the KNIME Environment. So I´ve take over some flows from a colleague in my company. The first weeks everything runs fine.
I wanted to add a python node in my flow, but sice I´ve tried this, plus to install the extensions, something went wrong, So I decided to reinstall the application but now I´m facing this error massage.

I´m not sure what to do, so would be great if anyone can assist and help here.
short note.

I´m working in an company environment, maybe someone from the IT- can install or run this app as an administrator, to solve this issue. I would very thanksfull or additional help

BR Dominik

@Asensio_Dias welcome to the KNIME forum. You might be behind a corporate firewall and might have to use a proxy server. You can configure the use in knime:

If this does not work you can try an offline installation of extensions

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Thank you for you help here.
Unfortunatly both ways, are didn´t work.

I´m not sure why that happend, but maybe someonfr from our IT support colleagues can help in this case.

BR Dominik

Hi Dominik @Asensio_Dias,

did you already try following this post?


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