Cannot open Knime ver 4.1.4


Knime newbie here. I tried to open a wrokflow then knime asked me to install some plugins/updates. I installed it and restarted the application. When i was trying to open knime this error appeared:

I am afraid if I uninstall and reinstall i might not be able to retrieve some of my workflow.

What to do? thanks!

Hi @Charm_Kate,

first thing: no need to worry about your workflows (and preferences)!
The KNIME installation and the workspace which contains your workflows are two different things.
It looks like that something went wrong with the update. I would recommend to uninstall and reinstall KNIME. In case you share your workflows with colleagues, I would recommend to install the version that your colleagues use. If you are using a newer version, the workflows you share with colleagues might not work in older versions (due to new nodes for example).
After installation, you can simply select your workspace and everything should work again.

If you like, you can send me the log file in a private message so that I can check what went wrong.



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