Cannot Update Knime - nssm.exe

Hi all.

I am trying to update Knime to the newest version and after 40% of the update status I get an error saying that nssm.exe could not be deleted.

Would be thankful for any suggestions, thank!


NSSM.exe is the “Non-Sucking Service Manager” executable - the program which is used to create a Windows service for the KNIME Executor.

If you have the KNIME Executor service running, you may run into some problems like this as it may be in used at the moment and the file cannot be changed. Try stopping the service, then re-doing your Update inside the knime.exe GUI. You can restart the service afterward.

If that doesn’t work, I recommend you reach out to for direct assistance.


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Hi there,

I do have 2 services running, one for the Knime Server and one for the Executor. I did stop the services, restarted the server, etc… same issue.

It surely sucked trying to find the nssm.exe in the task manager. For some reason, It wasn’t showing. After several tries I managed to stop the nssm itself and manually delete it from the Knime folder. Just then the update was successful.

Thank you for your quick response!

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Does your KNIME Executor service still start and run automatically?
If not, then you may need to run the “remove executor as service” batch file and then re-run the “install executor as service” batch file to reinstall the service.


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