Can't find "Create Databricks Environment" Node

Hello guys,
I am super new in Knime, just starting, and I was following a tutorial on how to setup a connection to Databricks, but I cannot find the node mentioned above.

I have also tried to install the package on this page (KNIME Databricks Integration – KNIME Community Hub) but I keep getting an error:

Also if I would try to update the program:

I guess I have something wrong configured, but I cannot figure out what or why.

Any help is much appreciated :slight_smile:
Thanks in advance and have a lovely day!

Hi @victormartal,
The URL it displays is not one of our default update sites, so I recommend you remove it. You can do that under File → Preferences → Install/Update → Available Software Sites. Just check the boxes of the sites that are associated with KNIME, i.e. point to That should fix your problem.
Kind regards,


Thanks! That solved it :smiley:

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