Can't update Knime (using newer laptop which uses same workspace as older laptop)

Hi all. I’m having an issue updating Knime 4.7.1 on a new laptop I bought. I use my old laptop at home, which is the one I started using knime on.
The new laptop uses the same workspace (via Microsoft Onedrive) as my old one.
When I just opened knime on the new one I am prompted to update Knime + extensions but get the following error

Could I get some advice on how to fix this please?

Thank you!

You should try a fresh installation on the new machine and check again.

Regarding Onedrive keep in mind it has limitations in the length of paths and you might want to check if your version accepts special characters that knime would need.

Thanks mlauber so I managed to sort it a different way, I right clicked the app and selected “run as administrator” and it worked fine. Very strange though as I’m the only user on the device.
Thought I’d share in case anyone else has this issue.

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