Can't Use Geospatial Nodes in KNIME 5.3 After Update

Hello KNIME Community,

I recently updated to KNIME 5.3 and now I’m having trouble with the geospatial nodes. I tried reinstalling the latest version of the geospatial extensions, but they still won’t work in my workflows. Now, I’m stuck. Any ideas on what I might be missing or what else I can try?

Thanks a lot for any help!!

Dear @AbdullahJafri99,

what exactly is the error?

Do you have some screenshot and workflow to test? And some knime.log?


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Hi Steffen,

Thank you for your kind reply. I’m still encountering this error despite multiple attempts to reinstall it. Looking forward for your reply.

@AbdullahJafri99 I recently faced update issues with the Geospatial extension. Did you tried un- and reinstalling it?

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Hello, Mwiegand.

I tried it several times, but it isn’t work for me. So, I reinstalled the knime version (5.2.5). It is now working properly again. Thank you for your kindness and time.

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Dear @AbdullahJafri99,

without further information (e.g. the knime log and a workflow which I asked for) it is difficult to investigate your issue unfortunately.


Thank you, Steffen, for your kind time and help. Fortunately, this error got resolved as I reinstalled the latest version of KNIME, and now it works fine. Maybe I made a mistake in downloading earlier.

Btw, Here’s is my file:
knime.log (938.9 KB).

Thankyou for your time, Steffen.

Dear @AbdullahJafri99,

mhm. The log also does not really help here, sorry.
I am glad that it is resolved now.

Best regards


No problem, @steffen_KNIME. Thanks for your help. :hearts:

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