I want to collect a list of folders in a directory and generate information from the paths. I’m not looking to change anything in the source folders. I just want the paths collected as strings. But the Path column in the List FIles/Folders node’s Table is not available as an input for Manipulation notes like Cell Splitter. I’m guess because editing the “Path” would be editing the actual directories. I assume I need to write the information from List FIles/Folder to an intermediary table. But am not sure what node to use.
I could use the Excel Writer node, but then I would need to start a new flow to use the Excel reader node to re-bring in the information so that I can manipulate it. I’m new to Knime and am likely missing something obvious and would appreciate any tips.
My immediate use case is to collect all folder names a directory, then use RegEx or other pattern matching to take out a project code that is part of every folder name so that I have a column with clean project codes.