I want to ask if there is a way to change the line shape, like dashed line, dotted line, when we draw line plot in LinePlot Node…Because, it gets harder to distinguish multiple lines just with colors.
I checked the Node LinePlot(Java Script), but couldn’t find such options. So are there some nodes to enable line shape changes??
Not sure this is currently possible. Could be useful for sure. Will check it and get back to you. This would mean that for each column on line you should chose line shape if don’t want default…
I wonder there it can be a feature request at node Column Rename, to make it accept flow variable as the new name?? The current situation is that it can’t accept flow variable.
I understand the topic is a little mixed, sorry for it.
I think I got the trick!! I must select columns in Tab Change Column, so I have the option in Tab Flow Variable. Else, they are none for flow variable.
Thanks for your kind reply.
another request about Node Line Plot(Java Script). There is a need to scale axis separately, or giving a fixed range for each axis. I have checked the secret setting on axis min and max in Tab Flow Variable and set them to a fixed range, unchecked the Axes range axes and use domain information . But still in the plot, the axis doens’t hold in the range I defined… So any reason for this??
In the attachment, there are the workflow I used. KNIME_TestNode_LinePlot.knwf (17.1 KB)