Changing TIme Zone

I’m trying to compare tables in two different databases, one is in Snowflake and one is Oracle. Structure is identical and in theory the data should also be identical. This works well except for date times. Each table is having the spring time shift coming into play. In Snowflake, Knime shows 1am even though the actual table in Snowflake is NTZ and shows 2am. Oracle shows 3 am. I’ve tried playing with the Time Zone node to no avail. Is there a setting or do I need to configure that node somehow so that both the Oracle and Snowflake date times are just left as is and not shifted?

It depends on whether the database stores timezone information or not. Most DBs do not but only shift the timestamps according to client time zones.
Nevertheless should be able to shift all times to a common timezone using the Modify Time Zone node.