Charts with JFreeChart and/or R: Feature request / R templates available?

Hi all,

is there a plan to extend the nodes that can generate charts to types like e.g tree maps, spider charts, chord diagrams, etc. ?


Or should one rely on the R nodes to genrate charts?


Are there any examples out there for generating charts mit thr R node that can be used as templates for new charts? Especially for tree maps?



Hi Frank, 

I quite like generating plots in KNIME using R and ggplot2.  I don't think we have anything for treemaps, but if you send me an example of what you are going for, I can try to figure something out. 



Hi Frank,

If you are looking something similar to this, the vega integration can be changed to handle similar data with for example xml columns, though I'll have to think about more how to do it (though do not hold your breadth till it is ready, the soonest option to be done is during early 2014).

Cheers, gabor

I looked into this and it turned out to be pretty easy.  There is a nice treemap package in R called ... treemap.  This plays very nicely in terms of expected data structure with our GroupBy node.  Have a look at the attached example.  The relevant R code looks something like:

treemap(, c("Country", ''Region", "City"), "Size")

Where Country, Region, and City are columns that have been aggregated, and Size is the column which contains the aggregated data (in this case, webform submission counts).



Hi Aaron

Thank you for your example workflow. At the moment the update sites with the new node libraries are not available - I am not sure if this is my problem or a general problem. I will test it as soon as possible. I use the R integration in the "R directory directy below the root of the node repository.

Your treemap is one solution for my problem. In the meantime  I found another possible solution. See the example workflow under classification learner .

This is an interesting webpage with examples of data visualisation:

And there is another page with examples: (But it is only in German and the corresponding article is puslished in the German ct Magazin 17/2013).


Regards, Frank

Hi Garbor

I never heard about Vega (and its integration into KNIME). I will have a look!




Hi Aaron

I set the path to the R home (1.14.2) in the preferences menu, installed the package treemap and I tested your treemap workflow, but got this error message:

ERROR RController Cannot load JRI native library

ERROR R View (Table) Execute failed: Cannot load JRI native library

So what is wrong? Any idea? The same happens with the R binary that comes along with the KNIME R nodes.


Hi Frank, 

Are you using R version 1?

There is a bit of jiggling you have to do the get the R nodes working sometimes depending on your setup.  Have a look at the FAQ entry below and let us know if that helps. 

Regards, Aaron


Thanks for your link to the FAQ. I followed all the described steps - except the step 4:

Remove the feature from the installation Help > About KNIME > Installation Details


The reason for that is that there is no such feature, but similar features like:


Because that that the error is still the same. Any idea?





Just for information: The solution is that I used the path


instead of the correct path

