
This workflow allows to connect to ChEMBL APi and extract the data from the latest version of ChEMBLdb. It sends /data/lookup , /data/molecule , /data/target , and /data/assay calls to retrieve detailed information on the entries and their bioactivities. The workflow is implemented using internal KNIME nodes, in particular GET Request Nodes.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I tried using your workflow and it doesn’t work. I tried pulling current CHEMBLID’s from the web interface but that wasn’t the issue.

Is the address from the string manipulator correct? Is there a UN/PW required?

join(“”, $chembl_id$, “.json”)

Thanks for any help you can provide…I’m using Knime 4.0.2

The workflow isn’t working properly in Knime 3.6 or 4.0.2.

The correct .JSON url is being ported out of the chembl lookup but after it is passed to the display lookup results no rows are being ported to the case switch.

Any help getting this to work would be greatly appreciated!