I was able to get Anaconda installed with the necessary packages in a KNIME acceptable environment. Here is what worked for me in Windows 11:
Install Anaconda - Anaconda | Anaconda Distribution
Open Anaconda Navigator - Click on green arrow next to “base (root)” and hit “Open Terminal”, paste in “conda install conda==4.14” and hit enter.
(info from this forum post - Unable to integrate python with Knime - #2 by steffen_KNIME)
Install OpenSSL - Win32/Win64 OpenSSL Installer for Windows - Shining Light Productions
KNIME Preferences / KNIME / Conda - (set path to) C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3
KNIME Preferences / KNIME / Python - Set to Conda, then hit “New evironment…” I named mine “py39_knime” to mirror @mlauber71
KNIME Preferences / KNIME / Python - Set to Manual, and select your conda environment exe file “C:\Users\iCFO.conda\envs\py39_knime\python.exe” (replace “iCFO” with your windows user name)
Open Anaconda Navigator - Click on green arrow next to “py39_knime” and hit “Open Terminal”, paste in “conda install -c conda-forge dnspython” and hit enter.
(Info for this step was found here: :: Anaconda.org)
The python code is not fully working yet, but I will split that into another post.