Codeless Time Series Analysis

Do you know what it means when a time series is weakly stationary?

Check out this short video from our Data Science Pronto series where @alinebessa answers this question
:arrow_right: Data Science Pronto! - Weak Stationarity - YouTube

:books: You want to learn more about codeless time series analysis? I’ve got a book recommendation for you:
Codeless Time Series Analysis with KNIME
:arrow_right: Codeless Time Series Analysis with KNIME | Packt


Hi @elisrich

Thank you for posting this interesting topic on time series. I have tried first link but it seems broken. Maybe my computer :thinking:? Could you please check and advise :pray:? Thanks a lot and I look forward to watch the Pronto video by @alinebessa on time series :blush: !

Best regards,

Good catch @aworker! I just edited the post above to fix the link. :+1:


Thanks @ScottF :blush: :+1: !!
Looking forward to watching the video and learning about Weak Stationarity :wink: !!

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