Color Manager custom color issue

In following the instructions for the introductory project utilizing the File Reader, Column Filter, Row Filter, Stacked Area Chart, Color Manager and Pie/Donut Chart, I ran into an issue attempting to apply custom colors.

Color Manager Problem in KNIME Demo.docx (111.2 KB)

The color selections made in Color Manager don’t match the segments displayed in the Pie Chart. Is this a known bug, or did I misapply the custom colors in some way?


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Hi @Don,

welcome to the forum!

Did you enable usage of colors in the pie chart settings?

By default this option is disabled, thus if you do not configure it explicitly colors by default will not match those that you have chosen. If you have done this and colors still do not propagate- could you share a minimal example (including some dummy or public data)?

P.S. The answer is based on KNIME 4.0, where Pie/Donut Chart corresponds to the one with (JavaScript) in the name in KNIME 3.X


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Hello Misha,

Thank you for responding.

Because it seemed like the appropriate setting, I do have ‘Use row colors’ checked.

This test was done by following instructions on the KNIME web site in ‘Build a workflow’ which uses sales_data.csv .

My demo project was an attempt to perform the same steps with the addition of the later addition of the Color Manager in the section titled, “Add the Color Manager node:” at the end of your demo. The other difference I see from your documentation is that the lines between nodes are straight instead of curved, but I strongly doubt that’s relevant.

When I first downloaded and installed KNIME the current version was 3.7.2 . Within a few days, I saw the notice that there was a KNIME release 4.0.0, so I uninstalled 3.7.2 and installed 4.0.0 . Is it possible that this sequence is in some way causing this problem?

I didn’t introduce any of my own data or procedural steps, so duplicating your ‘Build a workflow’ demo should replicate the same issue. It doesn’t seem likely that there’s anything different on my computer that would help diagnose this, but I’d be glad to share any files with you that you might need.



Dear Don,

none of the listed issues should lead to the feature that you observe. Could you try this example:

This works on my laptop. This way we can check if it is a feature of your demo or of your KNIME installation.

One issue in the workflow could be that the column that is used to define colours does not match the one used for grouping in the Pie chart. For example, the country could be used in the Color Manager and date in the Pie Chart node.



Thanks for returning an example for test. The example was loaded using the link, and the only change made was to specify a data file since the example had a file address that didn’t match a file on my PC. The file specified was the same as provided in the workflow demo on the KNIME web site.

Each node was executed to produce a pie chart, and it displayed the same inconstency as the demo project. The actual colors were different than my demo project but the color mismatch effect was the same.

File ‘1-Color Manager Settings.jpg’ is the first assignment of colors to countries.
File ‘2 - Table with Colors.jpg’ confirms the color settings by country.
File ‘3 - Pie Chart.jpg’ is the final result in which the Pie Chart colors assigned to countries doesn’t match the earlier Color Manager settings.

As mentioned, no changes other than the data file address were made, so I’m still puzzled as to the cause of the color mismatch.




Hi @Don,

got the same behavior. This has already been reported. We will add +1 on it. Seems first color encountered in data table is assigned to the first category column by alphabetical order and so on…

Tnx for engaging!


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Hi Don,

yes, i was wrong. I do not know how could it have worked on my laptop. We bumped priority of this issue in the internal system.


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Hi there @Luke,

welcome to KNIME Community!

Added +1 on it.



The bug is still present in KNIME version 4.1.2 (build March 5, 2020)

Best regards,

Hi there @george_andor,

welcome to KNIME Community and tnx for reminder about this issue which still isn’t fixed.

I have add +1 on this ticket (internal reference: AP-10830) for you.


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Hi @george_andor, hi @ipazin,

The bug is still present in KNIME version 4.1.3.

In my application case with only two rows it was possible to use the Sorter Node as a workaround.

Best Regards,

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Thanks for the feedback. I’ve added another +1 on the internal ticket Ivan linked above.

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The bug is still present in KNIME version 4.2.0

Hello @Ludens,

have added +1 on it.


Quick update to let everyone here know that this bug has been addressed in the upcoming 4.2.1 bugfix release. :partying_face:


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