Colored background if condition fulfilled

I need your help.
It should be totally simple, but somehow I can’t come up with an elegant solution.
I want the cells in the table view to have a red background (html) if they fullfill a condition.

In this Example: IF price < threshold THEN backround red ELSE nothing.


Any smart Ideas? :slight_smile:



Hello @AndreP -

Unfortunately, this isn’t supported in KNIME tables at the moment. Conditional formatting of cells is a feature request that comes up periodically. We do have a ticket for it in our system (AP-5485), and I’ll add a +1 from you on that.

One of my colleagues just pointed me to this workflow snippet where you could color the cells in a Table View node - not exactly what you’re looking for, but maybe worth a try?



thanks for the answers.

My final solution is like that:

  1. I used the rbrs node zu slit via threshold.
  2. if true (>threshold) I add a html code for red backround
  3. if not true (<= threshold) I add a html code for green backropund
  4. Concatenate both results.




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Hi @AndreP , thanks for sharing! Would it be okay for you to upload a dummy workflow here so other people in the future looking for the same thing can have something that they can work with?

Thank you in advance!


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