The Column Type Auto Cast seems to struggle converting to the actual data type if the ingested data is of unknown type. I happen to found this alongside these topics:
I am working on a workflow to showcase various approaches to pivot without using a pivot node because the pivot node struggles to cope with large data set.
Using the Test Data Generator, which also creates outdated data, I encountered a situation where a value could not be converted to the identified data type.
ERROR Column Auto Type Cast 3:1564 Execute failed: Can't convert 'URI: http://rsvimcfngtmtgtc; EXT: ' to URI. In Row0 Column29. Disable quickscan and try again.
Using quick sc…
while preparing an example workflow for knowledge sharing, trying to auto cast the type of aa table with unknown values, this error was thrown:
ERROR Column Auto Type Cast 3:1623:0:1585 Execute failed: class org.knime.core.data.def.LongCell cannot be cast to class org.knime.core.data.StringValue (org.knime.core.data.def.LongCell and org.knime.core.data.StringValue are in unnamed module of loader org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.EquinoxClassLoader @de63949)
I want to suggest to allow the C…
I will upload a sample workflow in a minute.
Edit: Here is the sample workflow
Hi @mwiegand ,
Thank you for reporting this problem. We have a ticket for this issue: AP-17591
This topic gets updated when the ticket is done!
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