Column Combiner: Delimiter with blank charachter


maybe a silly question, however I am stuck: I need to combine a changing number of columns to a single one. So I tried with column combiner which works fine. However I need the delimiter with a blank character. In my use case a ", ".
No matter what I try, string manipulation etc. there is no blank character added or the blank is just left out.


This is my test output:

However, what I need is:
A, B, D or
A, C, D

The other thing: missing columns are quoted with a β€œ?”, however they just should be left out.

Thanks for any hint.

Hi @Awiener

The Column Combiner is too restrictive for your use case. The Column Aggregator node can achieve what you’re looking for.

Add all the desired columns under Columns and under Options use Concatenate. Disable the Missing flag. Set the Value Delimiter to comma space.


@ArjenEX Genious! Thank you very much! :ok_hand:

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