Column filter has a tiny selector

Hello, I would like to share the column filter that is currently in Knime 5.3

It doesn’t use the space of the dialog effectively. Would it be possible to make the size of the selection boxes dynamic relative to the size of the dialog vertically? Or at the very least a larger default size. This is how it appears on a 4k monitor. The size of the selection boxes is already dynamic when stretching the node modal window horizontally.

Hi @strny ,

thanks for the feedback. We are aware of this inefficient use of space (internal ticket UIEXT-1913). We’ll consider to raise the priority of this, if there are more votes.

Have a nice day,


In that case I’m definitely adding my vote, @nan:wink:

The geometry of the configuration dialog nodes (column filter and joiner) is ugly and looks bad on a 4k monitor, maybe buy a few and check - upvote !