I’m looking at having a user identify specific columns which represent the Length, Width, & Height in a data set. I store the column names into multiple flow variables and then send the flow variables into a Column Renamer node.
When I connect a different data file to the Column Renamer, the Column Renamer uses the first column in the new data set which generates an error because it’s the same. Is there some kinda of error handling I should be implementing?
Are the flow variables changing which cause the behavior when you attach the new dataset?
If I am understanding correctly, you have the user can type in input for column names which then get used respectively for the 3 columns in column renamer so you can rename them to L, W, and H respectively. Now, when you connect a new data file, I believe this means the column names have a different name which means the flow variables will no longer work anymore.
Do you just want to skip it if the data doesn’t have any L,W, or H? You could use a try catch or maybe a case switch depending on if the user typed something in. If they did, do A, if they didn’t do B or something along that line.
Let me know of any clarifications for the result you are looking for,