Hello, guys, I’m new to this platform still a lot to learn and this is one of the cases where I’m stuck right now if someone can help I will appreciate it.
Got a bunch of excel files that I need to extract one table and reformat it to a new format but I can manage to get the right format.
To solve your issue you indeed should use Unpivoting node as suggested by @atothep. However as you have your information into separate rows you first need to combine them and then promote them into headers in order for unpivoting operation to make sense. I have created an example workflow which you can check out and modify according to your needs.
Great thanks it works
Just a little addition to this can I inject a value on another sheet from the same excel file, I try it but for some reason is duplicating the values, should I need to use an index value to make the match!!?
not sure I understand your question about injecting a value to another sheet. Under assumption you wrote transformed table to one sheet and now would like to write part of that data from KNIME to another sheet in same file you need to prepare your data (maybe by filtering it?) and use Excel Sheet Appender (XLS).