Combine 3 workflows into 1 workflow & execute by resetting 1 node in each 3 workflow


I have 3 workflows
I tried to execute that 3 workflows into 1 workflow by copy pasting 3 separate workflow into 1 but it give me java heap error.

Is there any way to combine those 3 workflows in to 1 workflow so i have to execute only 1 workflow & write it on Sharepoint (Sharepoint part is clear & ready)

AND I also want to Reset POST Request node which is there in those 3 workflows.

Is there any way ?

Here is the screenshot of 1 workflow(I have 3 Workflows like this)

Hi @parita,
you can try to link your subflows in a serial ways with flow variables, in order to prevent parallel execution which is giving you heap error.



Hey @Luca_Italy

I am not executing them parallel infact I am executing nodes 1 by 1 with run garbage collector node to avoid java heap error.

I want to combine 3 workflows into 1

So, even i you run node by node, running also the garbage collector, you got heap size error?

If so i’m afraid that you have to upgrade your system ram and configuring knime to use it in the knime.ini.


System RAM is 8 GB and in knime.ini file -Xmx8g I have changed

Hello @parita,

It’s not recommended to assign all memory or even close to maximum to KNIME. Don’t know if you are running anything else at the same time so can’t say for sure that 6 GBs will do it but that is what i would try.

Regarding your design if those 3 workflow are working as expected when they are alone I would leave them as is and make one “master” workflow that calls all three of them in succession using Call Workflow (Table Based) node. This is a way to call three workflows using only one. Note that calling workflows need to be saved in state reset. This also deals with reset requirements you have. Give it a try and if any questions feel free to ask.



Hey @ipazin ,

Okay I’ll change to 6g & i have a question
can we use Call Workflow node without server connection ?

Hello @parita,

“This node can be used to call other workflows that resides either locally or on a KNIME Server.” - from node description.


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Okay Got it .

Thank You

I have another Question

I call workflow using node
It generate a file

Now i want to write that file in the master workflow

Is it possible ? Yess then How ?

Hello @parita,

if I got you right that is possible. You only need to know the path to that file in order to write to it. You can use Container nodes for sharing it.


That is interesting. When I run Knime in Batch Mode and call a workflow which uses a call workflow node and it gets executed, is it also resetted afterwards. So lets say I run the batch again would this fail? Do you know that by any chance?

Hello @Daniel_Weikert,

haven’t used batch mode in a while but if I remember well when calling workflow via batch there are arguments which define in which state workflow will be left. However don’t think this affects workflows being called via Call Workflow nodes. To answer your question don’t think your workflow should fail if you call it again via batch.


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