I have a data set with 32 columns (string), where I would like to combine the value of a column with the respective following column. For example, the values from column 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 4 etc. should be combined in one column and separated by this delimiter “-”. As I would not like to carry out this process manually 31 times with a Column Combiner Node, I would appreciate an example workflow of how this can be implemented dynamically.
I have already tried a set up (see screenshot), but this only combines the column names and not the specific values.
Thank you dear community for your support in advance!
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See this wf combining_columns.knwf (40.7 KB)
First I created a column with all columns names. Then the Window Loop Start node works it way down the column, doing 1 step a the time, taking always 2 columns. The GroupBy makes it a set that is the input for the column filter. Now you have the columns a-b / b-c / c-d … ready to do your stuff.