Combine two flow variables into a single one | selecting file path


This question is twofold. I want users to be able to select the filepath were images are located. I want to seperate this input in two flow variables. The first flow variable will hold the main location, for example the Documents folder, and the second flow variable to hold a specific folder within Documents. I want to do this because I want to use the second flow variable to name the outpot accordingly to this. I tried the merge variables node, but that didn't yield any result.

Besides this I am looking for a way to reference to the Documents folder, windows 10, without referencing to the username, so that is independent of which useraccount it is run. So that essentially it can be copied to any machine, and still run from the Documents folder.


Hey Luuk,

you can use the Java Edit Variable node for that task. Please see the attachment of my post.


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Thank you very much Marc.

I've been trying this out, but can't get it to work. I have two string inputs, and merged them into one connection using the Merge Variables node. Since the Java Edit Variables does not seem to take two inputs. However I can't get the node to execute.

Thanks in advance for your help.


How stupid of me. Thank you.

Hey Luuk,

in your Java Snippet node you have to use the variable names exactly as specified in your input list. Please see the screenshots attached to my first post as well as the screenshot attached to this post.

Last but not least you have to close the statement using a semicolon (see first screenshot).
