Combining 3 rows into 1 from xls

I have an excel spreadsheet that has 3 rows of data for each item, we would like to combine them into one row each. The below is sample data copied from the excel spreadsheet. Is there a way in Knime to combine the 2nd and 3rd rows with row 1, and the 5th and 6th row with the 4th, etc?

Owner / Address Year Make Mod Ttl Stts Title Date VIN / Title#
MOBILE HOMES, INC 1957 NASH OK 09/07/1977 H123456
RES: PO BOX 7458 WINSTON SALEM NC 271154054 21215429
BOB BROWN 1986 RANE OK 03/26/1986 SMH35896M0D
RES: 852 HEALTHY DR WINSTON SALEM NC 271031403 704350172
JAMES STEVENS 1970 CAPE OK 12/31/1975 0C165
RES: 214 JACKSON AVE WINSTON SALEM NC 271052251 26002242
BCD INC 1974 CHAR OK 02/08/1977 12B152952
RES: PO BOX 1234 WINSTON SALEM NC 271154054 17401808
EVERYTHING ENTERPRISES, INC 1971 CAPE OK 02/21/1996 601210668
RES: 456 MAIN ST KERNERSVILLE NC 272842961 1608748571
TRAILERS INC 1986 EAGL OK 03/31/2008 34375A
RES: 123 NORTH RURAL HALL NC 270459147 776725080912909
  1. By Math Formula add column N1 with mod($$ROWINDEX$$, 3)
  2. By Math Formula add column N2 with $$ROWINDEX$$ - mod($$ROWINDEX$$, 3)
  3. By Row Filter filter all rows with N1 = 0 (first table) and Filter all rows with N1 = 1 (second table)
  4. Join first and second tables by N2 (third table)
  5. Filter all rows with N1 = 2 (forth table)
  6. Join third table with forth one by N2 field.

Thank you so much, that worked!!