Combining Excel Data Sets

Hi everyone,

Im stuck in a situation whereby im not too sure on how I can merge 3 of my excel data (A,B & C) into one after data cleaning. My data set do not have any unqiue ID which I can match while using the Join Node.

As attached in my image I have three data excel A,b & C and would like to combine them to the desire output of the table.

Any ideas on how I can do it?

Desire Output Result
Excel A Data
Excel B Data
Excel C Data

Hi @Hey_Matthew

Welcome to KNIME Forum

Check out the Concatenate node

Use the 3 dots on the bottom left to add another input port for your Excel C table.

gr. Hans


@Hey_Matthew when using the Concatenate node, make sure that all columns has the same data type, otherwise you will get a ? data type


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