Combining Recursive Loop with Chunk Loop

Hi @iCFO , on the face of it this sounds very similar to the challenge of “allocating transactions to budgets”, from this forum post:

If we treat your donors as “budgets”, and your expenses as “transactions”, where budgets can cover many transactions, and transactions can be covered by many budgets, then it is very similar. In the link supplied, different budgets and transactions were assigned “Work Orders” which grouped budgets and transactions, but I think we can treat everything as having the same “Work Order” which is what I have done to make it work with the sample “donor” data. Previously it joined on Work Order, so I replaced that with a Cross Join and then added a constant Work Order to allow the rest of the workflow to continue working.

Attached is an adaptation of the above workflow with some sample data created by ChatGPT. It contains no loops because a java snippet does all the cumulative calculations in one pass.

You can see in this screenshot, that the Donations (PO/Budgets) do not match the Expenses (Transaction Name/Cost) but instead are allocated out in turn, so John Smith in red donates 500 which covers Office Supplies and some of the Rent, The remainder of the Rent is covered by the first 250 of Jane Johnson’s donation and then her next 50 goes to Marketing Campaign, and so on.

Iteratively Processing Donations and Expenses.knwf (144.7 KB)

The workflow as supplied still contains terminology for Purchase Orders and Works Orders, so I just coerced it slightly from the original, but I wonder if this might be adaptable to your needs.