Compare tables

Hi there,
I want to compare two tables with extracted RGB values. Actually, I want to get the similarity percentage of the two tables. Can you help me with that?
Thank you!

This is essentially the same question you posed in this thread, yes?

Yes, It’s the same question.

Hi @Tharuprabha.

If you give an example with data, we will be able to help you better. It is also important to clarify what you want. What do you mean by similarity percentage.Same number of fields? the same order of the fields? same number of records? same type of data? same content of the fields?

The more specific you are and the more context you give, the more help you will get.


Okay, These are the tables I got from the workflow.
I want to get a percentage of how many raws/cells have similar values. These two are extracted lists of RGB values of two images.

Thank you!

New Microsoft Excel Worksheet (3).xlsx (1.2 MB)
New Microsoft Excel Worksheet (3).xlsx (1.2 MB)

Hi @Tharuprabha

Maybe this thread can help you.



Thank you! But this way don’t give the result I want. Is there a way to get how many similar raws are there in the two tables, what is the percentage of similar raws?

I’ll leave this thread open because you’re getting a helpful response (thanks @hmfa !) - but in the future, please don’t open duplicate threads about the same issue. Help us keep the forum tidy :slight_smile:

Okay. I’m sorry, and thank you! I’m not very familiar with this yet.

Your reply was really helpful. With some modifications, my problem was solved.
Thank you.


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