Compare two rows

Hi everyone,

I'm used to work with Excel and I unfortunatly don't found the way to do the same on Knime. I'm looking for translating this: IF(AND(A2="G";A1="O");B1+1;B1)

Thanks in forward for your help!


Use the lag node (I think it's in the time series folder) to create a lagged A column. Then you can do the comparison like you would across any two columns. Make sure your dataset is sorted appropriately before you lag the column. 

Thanks a lot for your answer, it helps for the first half of my question. Now I want to increment the column of 1 or 0 depending on if it's a new group of Drugs or not. (see the attached file for a better understanding)

Those are the value I'm expectingin from the new column

Row 0,  1; (starting value:1)
Row 1, 1 (Value of row 0 (1) + value of column Nouveau group Row 1 (0))
Row 2,  2, (Value of row 1 (1) + value of column Nouveau group Row 2 (1))
Row 3,  2 (Value of row 2 (2) + value of column Nouveau group Row 3 (0))
Row 4, 2 (Value of row 3 (2) + value of column Nouveau group Row 4 (0))
Row 5, 3 (Value of row 4 (2) + value of column Nouveau group Row 5 (1))



Maybe it can help someone (any input for improving the flow is welcome! :) )

