Completeness of data table

Hi all

I wonder if someone is able to point me at the right direction.
I have a data table with 50 columns and 1000 rows.

How can I quickly report completeness of the data for all the columns and rows?

So I would be looking for outcome like Col1 was populated 700/1000 Col 2 etc…



You could use the GroupBy node. There you go to the tab “Pattern Based Aggragation” and leave everything like it is, except the Aggregation value: set that to Missing value count:

As a result you wont get the ratio but the absolute number of missing values.

I hope that helps.


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Another solution might be to use the Statistics or Data Explorer (JavaScript) nodes. Both provide similar information on missing values in your data, but the latter looks a little nicer, and is interactive.


Thank you Olaf!

Thanks ScottF!