Component Configuration Nodes on Different Tabs


When using a Component node with multiple configuration nodes, I noticed all the configuration nodes are arranged within the tab “Options”. Is it possible to split out configuration nodes into multiple tabs?

For example, opening the Component would show the following list of tabs from left to right where “Options 2” tab would be where I could place different configuration nodes.

  1. Options
  2. Options 2
  3. Flow Variables
  4. Memory Policy
  5. Job Manager Selection

Hey there,

as far as I know you can just change the order in which the configuration nodes appear in the config dialogue.

There does not seem to be an advanced layout editor (similar to composite view for widgets).



Thank you for exposing me to widgets @MartinDDDD

It seems the Advanced Composite View Layout is code based. Is there an example I could view to see how to create tabs with the widgets? Ultimately, I want to give the user the ability to select either

A. Select Columns for Length, Width, & Height
B. Select Columns for a pre-calculated cube (Length * Width * Height)

Well you also will not be able to achieve this with the advanced editor I’m afraid.

There was a similar question around how to create a multi page data app (not deployed on hub).

I created a minimal example for that to illustrate how it can be achieved using a single selection widget in combination with case switch start node.

You can find it here:

Maybe an additional comment:
If you want to show multiple widgets on each page, you’d have a component for each page inside your main component. You can then switch between them with the single selection widget.

You will need to consider then though that whatever the user configures is saved in e.g. a .table file, database or whatever you can access downstream when the logic executes that the configuration was for. This is because as you move between the different pages using the selection widget, the branches connected to non-active components are inactive and you then loose the config… as I said it is a workaround but definitely possible.

A more complex example I have built is this Data App:


Thank you! The shared workflow is very informative!

I grouped the widgets into a component which would create the different views. In the attached workflow, it doesn’t seem like the view is being switched when I change the single selection widget. Is this because of the connection to my components?
SingleSelectionExample2.knwf (106.6 KB)

Have set the widget to enable re-execution once the value is changed?

Should be a tab in the execution dialogue.

If that’s not it try to disconnect the flow variables from your component, go to the layout editor of the main component and make sure they are all placed there… then reconnect the flow variables


By disconnecting the flow variables, I was able to select both components and save the layout. After connecting the flow variables, it is now working. Thank you!

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@MartinDDDD You mentioned in an earlier post that the user’s changes would need to be saved and used further downstream. I’ve attempted to use a Flow Variable to store the user’s changes, but it doesn’t seem to save the user’s selection. Any recommendations or suggestions?

What I meant by “saving” is writing it to a file on the workflow data area.

This file you’d the read in once you “process” the user choices.

If you pass it to a flow variable this variable will likely also be in an inactive branch…

The Kicker App linked above should demonstrate this quite nicely…

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