Component description is missing


Is there any Rest API available to get description of a component?
I am using GET request to fetch description of a workflow. But Get request to a Component does not provide description.

Follwoing 3 key-value pairs are missing in the response of the GET request to a component:
“author” : “”,
“description” : “”,
“createdOn” : “”


Hi @nithinth7 !
I saw a couple of components uploaded without any descriptions. Just the title.

Have you tried for example with an official KNIME component ? I could be the case that the developer that uploads a component/workflow, doesn’t fill the node description:

So it’s published like this:

Not so sure about the author and createdOn, it should be there, for what I understand you cannot upload anything without an username. Can you share a little bit of what are you trying ?

Hi @eamendola,

Thank you for your reply.
Yes, I have tried the GET request for a component with description.
When I used the GET request for a workflow, the response condained the field ‘Description’ (with empty string, “”, as value) even though there was no description given to the workflow. For the component, the field itself is missing. I only need the description of the component, author and createdOn is just something I noticed.


Hi All,

Any update on this issue?

@AlexanderFillbrunn fyi


@nithinth7 I am afraid the component metadata is not available via REST and you will need to download and inspect the component to get it. This will change with KNIME Hub, which will provide the info via REST.
Kind regards,


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